poems about mental health

In today’s always-on world, it’s harder than ever to stay mentally healthy. The silver lining? We’re much more aware of (and less likely to judge) our mental health status. This collection of poems touches on common mental health challenges and how they make us feel.

This short poem is about depression that can upend your life like a hurricane.

tropical depression

My tropical depression,
it drones an endless dirge
and proffers toxins, blades, and sharps
in case I get the urge.

My tropical depression,
it raises tides of sorrow
and rains an enervating sloth
that seeps into my marrow.

Oh tropical depression,
I’d rip you from my mind.
If I but had the strength of heart,
my thoughts I would unbind.

This short poem is about the chronic buzz of low-level anxiety and how it affects your whole day.

the termite (anxiety)

anxiety is
a broken car alarm
in your mind,
a mosquito
in your ear,
a shimmering hole
in your vision.
it gnaws at
the edges of
your days,
an insatiable termite
that burrows
into your soul.

This short poem is about how depression turns a typical day into a grueling marathon.

the weight of depression

depression multiples
the force of gravity
until the simplest,
most mundane tasks
become Olympic feats.

This short poem is about the borderland where emotions collide and churn like hot and cold air.


The borderline borderland
is a country of storms and trouble,
a place of hot and cold,
a vortex of up and down,
a convergence of love and hate
and terror of being

This short poem is about overcoming mental health challenges, even when they’re not what you expected.


Panic pulled her under the surface,
depression held her there
until her lungs burned
and her vision went dark
around the edges.

Resigned to drowning,
she opened her mouth
to take one last breath
but something was different now:
she had grown gills.

It was difficult and unexpected,
but she lived.

This short poem punctures the assumption that madness and creativity are inextricably linked.

quiet muse

The muse speaks softly
and scares easily
and, contrary to rumor,
hates unnecessary drama.
You may not be able to
hear her over the
tumult of your mind.

p.s., Remember to take your meds.

This short poem is about the importance of taking some quiet time at the end of each day.

self care for introverts

Every day, she swims through dark waters
even though she can’t see the shore.
She smiles and helps and tries her best
even though they ask for more.

She lives for the darkness past the end of the day,
the starry hour when she can close her door
and bathe in the silence.

This short poem is about how a pretty shiny exterior can conceal a lot of pain.

dream girl

The manic pixie dream girl
knows all about hiding her pain.
She dances and twirls
and flashes her brilliant wit
like a dagger.
She glitters and shimmers
and weaves beautiful lies
like a siren.
When the party ends,
she winks at her besotted admirers
and goes home with

This short poem is about social anxiety and the paralysis that often comes with it.


her biggest fear is other people
wanting/not wanting
loving/not loving
needing/not needing
drinking her up/
leaving her alone.
caught between desire and terror,
she is frozen,
a pale statue
wrapped in moonlight,
a life waiting
to be lived.

This short poem is about taking all the time you need to heal, even when the wounds are invisible.

the real meaning of broken

Being broken is a temporary condition,
a waystation on a journey to
joy and love,
a place to gather strength
and nourishment
for the long miles ahead.

This short poem is about the journey from turmoil to peace, in whatever form it takes.

the temple of healing

Her mind was once a battleground
where fear and anger warred
and despair bound love in
iron chains.
Now it is a quiet temple
where love and kindness
learn to walk
once again.


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